Wiener Volkshochschulen has been involved in European project activities since 1995, when Austria joined the European Union.
Currently, we are involved in at least a dozen different projects. If you are interested in further information, please contact our team responsible for European projects. It is the department of Innovation and International Affairs, which can be contacted at
European Book Day (EBD)
Reading is one of the fundamental educational pillars and books are valuable goods. We want to promote reading books among the young generation complementing the digital learning. Every EU-member country organises a reading festival or a festival of books, but there is no such an even like a European Book Day.
We will introduce this European Book Day in the annual calendar of events in the partner countries.
Project life span: 2019-2021
Find here our project deliverable:
Mit diesem Projekt beabsichtigen wir, einen europäischen Weiterbildungs-Schub auszulösen. Der Aufruf zur Beteiligung an Lernmobilitäten richtete sich an alle rund 1.000 Mitarbeiter*innen, aber auch an rund 5.000 Kursleiter*innen der Wiener Volkshochschulen.
Wir möchten innovative Lösungen für digitales Lernen und Lehren in Europa aufspüren, im Rahmen der Lernmobilität kennenlernen und in unsere Einrichtung implementieren. 100 Kolleg*innen werden in den nächsten beiden Jahren in Europa unterwegs sein und ihre neuen Erkenntnisse in die Arbeit der Wiener Volkshochschulen einfließen lassen.
Projektlaufzeit: 2019-2021
The project partners firmly believe that adult education has a role to play in supporting societies and individuals to cope with these challenges; that said, they recognize the difficulty among adult education organisations and providers (including trainers) in doing it effectively and strategically.
Project life span: 2018-2021
Click here for general information to the project on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
Teachers of Tomorrow
Es geht um eine hochwertige Qualifizierung der Lehrenden und um die soziokulturelle und emotionale Teilhabe und Teilnahme von Randgruppen in der Gesellschaft am Bildungsprozess und um eine dialogbasierte, systemische Wissensvermittlung.
Project life span: 2019-2022
Click her for general information to the project on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
NEver TOO Late
The priority addressed within NEver TOO Late is social inclusion.
Project life span: 2019-2021
Project life span: 2019-2022
Art and Rubbish
The partnership project "Unnecessary - useful and aesthetic. Creative approach to recycling" is a part of an idea of sustainable development and lifelong learning. The project assumes socially inclusive activities, promotion of proper behaviour in relation to the environment and preservation of the natural balance. The project is also devoted to the contribution of citizens to environmental protection and the creative use of waste in art, art therapy and to improving the ecological awareness of adults, including those at risk of marginalization (disabled, senior citizens, migrants and refugees).
Project life span: 2019-2022
Mobile basic education for adults
In the MobileBE project we develop new methods for offering basic education (literacy, numeracy, IT) to adults who, due to special circumstances of life, are not able to participate in traditional or existing education. The methods will be custom-made for the target groups so to enable them to engage in learning activities. The methods will answer the problems these groups face regarding attending events at a given time or place (therefore "mobile"). The methods may (but do not necessarily) include forms of distance learning or e-learning. 16 new methods will be developed by 8 partner organisations in 7 countries.
Project life span: 2017-2020
Click here for general information to MobileBE on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
Find details on the projects website
Be Smart. Strategic Partnership for Excluded (SPADE)
Adult education organizations from eight EU Member States have set up a strategic partnership dedicated to the Europe 2020 strategy. It is estimated that up to 45% of adults in the European Union without basic digital competence are already excluded, discriminated, or unfit for work. That is why the European Commission sees the key role of adult education in the development of digital competence. As a result of the cooperation leading to the proposal, the educational project SPADE has been developed, the overriding objective of which is to involve all types of activities involving people at risk of digital exclusion because of the age and the deficits in education.
Project life span: 2017-2020
Click here for general information to SPADE on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
DEMOS (Democracy and Equality Matters for Our Society) - Political participation
The value of democracy is at stake in Europe. In some countries, a sceptical or negative attitude to democratic processes has emerged. We also see the rise of political parties that reinforce this scepticism as well as the emergence of more authoritarian forms of government. It is becoming increasingly evident that substantial sections of European societies have either lost faith in the democratic process or feel there is no point in participating.
Project life span: 2018-2020
Click here for general information to DEMOS on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
RISE: Realising Integration through Social Enterprise
The RISE Project aims to support the integration of long-term unemployed and immigrants into the labor market through the mechanism of social enterprise. It will adopt a dynamic and inclusive approach to the capacity building of individuals who have fewer opportunities by enabling them to become active agents in the enhancement of their personal, social and economic lives. The contention is that there is significant potential in the social enterprise model to bring about successful progression outcomes which will also be contingent on close collaboration with local business/enterprise experts.
Project life span: 2018-2020
Click here for general information to RISE on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
EU – “Re” Creation – developing competences of seniors
The project ‘EU – “Re” Creation – developing competences of seniors" is dedicated to developing cooperation and exchanging experiences of educators working with persons at risk of marginalization due to age, health condition, and limited physical or mental performance.
The project aims at raising qualifications of educators working with the elderly (60, 70, 80+); acquiring new or improving one’s psychological, interpersonal or methodological skills necessary while working with seniors; promoting the work methods among staff working with people at risk of marginalization participating in this project.
Child and Youth Protection
Ausgewählte Publikationen/ publications
- Coming soon/ in print: Hufnagl, Lo/Schwinghammer, Mae (2020): Library of things. In: EPALE und Erasmus+ Erwachsenenbildung 2020
Click here to find Online (DE) or in Online (EN).
- Depner, Herbert (2019): DEMOS: Demokratie und Gleichberechtigung sind wichtig für unsere Gesellschaft – Politische Beteiligung. In: Epale Österreich (Hrsg.): EPALE Publikation 2019, Politische Erwachsenenbildung in Österreich und Europa. Ziele, Methoden und Zukunftsperspektiven, 34-36.
* Publikation 2019 "Politische Erwachsenenbildung in Österreich und Europa" (DE), on the internet [last access: 6.8.2020].
* Publication 2019 "Citizenship Education in Austria and Europe (EN), on the internet [last access: 6.8.2020].